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"To save his family from further suffering", Hunter Biden pleads guilty to tax evasion and will be sentenced in December

September 6th,2024 By America-Today

Hunter Biden, son of US President Biden, pleaded guilty to all nine federal tax fraud charges against him on Thursday. He was convicted of illegal gun possession a few months ago and said that this surprising move was to save his family from further pain and embarrassment.

The tax case involving US$1.4 million (HK$10.91 million) opened in the Los Angeles federal court on Thursday. A few hours before the jury was selected, Hunter's lawyer unexpectedly announced in court that Hunter pleaded guilty to all nine charges, shocking everyone. The nine charges include three felonies and six misdemeanors, involving failure to declare and pay taxes, evasion of tax assessments, false tax returns and fraud. If convicted, the maximum sentence is 17 years in prison and a fine of US$1.35 million, but there is a chance to successfully apply for a shorter sentence.



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